I chose the panels with red brick and grey grout lines. They also have an option of red brick with black grout, but that didn't look very authentic to me. I don't know that I've ever seen a brick wall or building with black grout?

It took me some time to find the right technique. I used a blotting technique with a paint brush (completely ruining the brush by the end of the process!) which created the look I wanted. I placed the tip into the paint, then wiped it on a piece of paper towel to remove the excess, then dabbed the brush on the brick, very similar to the dobbing technique when stencilling. I also went back and caulked the seam lines and painted over them to try to camouflage them a bit better....you couldn't see them from about 15 feet away, but the minute you walked closer to the wall you could see them, and it really bothered me.
Both the top and the bottom of the wall will have a wide white trim/moulding (you can actually see the top piece is in place in the picture above) as finishing.
Next up is the floor. We're attempting something else we've never done before and that's a "painted" concrete floor. It should be just the right look. Throw down a couple of area rugs here and there and it should be great! I'll share some pics of that project in the near future.
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