I love avery labels! I've used their
return address labels, shipping labels and now favor box labels. Their
templates are limited, but I found one that I really liked for the
wedding favor boxes and they fed nicely through my printer and turned out really cute. So, the labels are ready to go when the time comes to get them assembled. I already have the goodies on hand (can't tell you it's a surprise!) and the tissue to line the boxes. I'll just need to pick up some more ribbon and I'll be good to go....
I found the favor boxes on-line (ivory 3x3) and have had them in the closet (where the majority of all things wedding have been residing) for some time now. It's been so unbelievably hot, this was a good project to get started on...I was able to hang out in the basement and stay cool.
You can find a variety of favor boxes at Michael's, Hobby Lobby and JoAnn's, but most are 2x2 which to me are a bit too small. So, I googled (when did that turn into a verb?) my little heart out and landed on a site that had every possible box imaginable.
As you can see the boxes will just need to be assembled once I know how many guests to expect. If I get a posse together, we could knock it out in no time at all....add a little wine, some cheese....hhhmmmm..I'm liking this idea more and more!
I'll also be contributing one of the favors for the bridal shower in a few weeks, I can't wait to share those with you as well.
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