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Tuesday, February 13, 2018


This is such a quick and fun project, I encourage anyone to give it a try!  I first played with this technique back in 2015 when I took a few white ceramic coffee mugs and transformed them into something truly unique.  

When I recently purchased a couple of ceramic planters for wall decor in my studio, I knew at that time that I was going to have some fun with them!
It takes just a few items and a little time to turn something ho-hum into wow!  

You'll need a container for the "bath"; it's going to get ruined so I'd look for something at the Dollar store.  This simple plastic tub did the trick just fine. 

Next, find whatever color or colors of nail polish you want .... again, I went with Dollar store polish versus the expensive stuff you find in big box stores.  I found two varieties of pink polish, and the third one is a glitter variety.

The technique is similar to egg dyeing.  You dribble the nail polish colors into some water and dunk the item into the bath...let it dry (which is really fast) and you're done!

Every item will be it's own unique masterpiece, similar to Easter eggs; you'll never have two patterns exactly alike. 

I found the planters at Hobby Lobby (I hit the ceramic sale!) I visualized succulents in them and found some really lifelike varieties that I placed in there along with some moss.  

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